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Obviously there's going to be another Borderlands," says Gearbox

"Obviously there's going to be another Borderlands," says Gearbox
Good, if entirely unshocking news: there's going to be another Borderlands.

2K Borderlands ThePre Sequel InGameArt moonMechs 1stPerson

Good, if entirely unshocking news: there's going to be another Borderlands. Gearbox CEO and president Randy Pitchford confirmed as much at the ongoing PAX East, stating in no uncertain terms that "it's no secret, obviously there's going to be another Borderlands".

According to Eurogamer, who attended the PAX East Panel, Gearbox will be developing the new game (2K Australia made the most recent game, The Pre-Sequel), while Gearbox's Mikey Neumann will be writing it, and Battleborn art director Scott Kester will assume the same role for Borderlands 3.

If it's even called Borderlands 3. Pitchford added that "we don't even know if we're going to call it that. We could call it Borderlands 4 for all we know." May I suggest 'Borderlands: Origins - Requiem'?

We already knew there was going to be another Borderlands way back in Januaryof last year, but it's good to hear a bit more about it, and hear confirmation that's it's still in the pipeline.

Gearbox is currently more concerned with Battleborn, which is set to release in just over a week.

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