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Elite: Dangerous is Making the Jump to Xbox One

Fans of the Elite series rejoiced in 2013 as the third instalment of the series, Elite: Dangerous, was made a reality through an extremely successful Kickstarter campaign that made nearly £1.6 million.

was made a reality through an extremely successful Kickstarter campaign that made nearly £1.6 million. Backers and the public have played Elite: Dangerous for a number of months now and the game has so far been a rousing success. The game is a massive space sim where players control a pilot able to do virtually anything to get ahead in life, following the original ambitious promise of the developers. The game has been so successful, in fact that it’s caught Microsoft’s eye and is slated for an Xbox One release in 2015.

Soon console players will be able to spread across the galaxy with their friends and enemies through an age of interstellar war and galactic superpowers. Each player’s story influences and changes the evolving narrative, and humanity’s frontier will be reshaped through those very actions.

Elite: Dangerous for Xbox One is planned to launch in 2015. If you want to get in on the conversation, make sure to comment below! For further information and to subscribe to the Elite: Dangerous for Xbox One mailing list, visit the website.

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