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Indie Intermission Sunday Round Up: Pixel Perfect

Hello and welcome to the end of the week and with it comes my round up of free online games.

Hello and welcome to the end of the week and with it comes my round up of free online games. This week has yielded yet more awesome little titles covering a broad range of different styles.

As always clicking the title will take you to my piece on the game, and clicking the image will take you to the game page directly, enjoy.

DARF is an interesting little platformer with some puzzle elements. Although the puzzles are rather straightforward it is often the execution that causes the biggest problem making you much more frustrated at your own short comings rather than that of the game.

AVGM is a social commentary about the video game industry highlighting the direction many “social” games have gone and it manages this so elegantly. Although it is difficult to claim this really is a game the experiance that you get is well worth it, but will you beable to reach the end?

Clean Asia! is a manic minimalistic  bullet hell shooter that has you fighting your way through three unique Asian areas in light of an alien attack. The game is brutility hard form the get go but with some great design choices it is also a great deal of fun.

A Rabbit Fable is a point and click adventure game in which you must navigate around this weird and strange world as you go on your quest to reassemble your gift and get into the garden.

Microscopia is a beautifully simple yet well thought out little puzzler in which you must move your bacterium to the centre point. It’s a game that gets into its own stride very quickly, creating fun challenges from almost the outset.

It has been one great week and I’ve covered some fantastic games spanning several genres. As always this week has had some very talented developers featured and I hope to find more awesome games for the next week. Enjoy your Sunday and because to return tomorrow for another Indie Intermission.

If you are a developer with A fun indie game that can be played over a coffee break, we want to hear from you! Private message us on twitter @IndieGameMag or shoot us an email at editors@indiegamemag.com with the subject “Indie Intermission” and you could be our indie intermission pick of the day!

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