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Tomorrow Corporation's Little Inferno is hot off the assembly line

Tomorrow Corporation's follow-up to their tremendous World of Goo has been quietly smouldering away for a few years now, but we can finally 'kindle its bonfire' right now , as the game's available to purchase from the official site for $15.

for $15. If you prefer things a little more 'Steamy', the game will set Valve's online store 'ablaze' and other fire puns at around 6pm. This PC release coincides with Little Inferno'slaunch on Wii U, but if you've pre-ordered the game you'll have had access to the beta version for a little while now, putting you one-up on those guys and their shiny new console.

So... how is it? Not having had the pleasure, we're still a bit perplexedas to what the game involves, although we do know that it revolves around a fireplace. A fireplace that you feed objects to, Little Shop of Horrors-style. The gameplay trailer, below, doesn't so much clear matters up as throw a hedgehog onto the bonfire, something that's not definitely recommended unless you've run out of sausages.

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