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Sidescrolling shmup Sine Mora heading to PC next week

Bullets, time travel, anthropomorphic animals riding laser-spewing biplanes - it's all there in Sine Mora, the horizontal shmup from Digital Reality and Grasshopper Manufacture released for the 360 earlier in the year.

Bullets, time travel, anthropomorphic animals riding laser-spewing biplanes - it's all there in Sine Mora, the horizontal shmup from Digital Reality and Grasshopper Manufacture released for the 360 earlier in the year. Thankfully, someone has finally seen fit to push the big red 'PC version' button, and it's coming in exactly seven days . Hey, isn't that the date that creepy phonecall said you were going to die on? Oh. Sorry for reminding you about that.

While you're definitely not going to be around to play it, others will, and you can see what they're letting themselves in for with the following trailer, which is of the original version of the game. An HD upgrade from 720 to 1080p seems to be the biggest improvement for the PC one, along with a promised 60FPS. The real draw, of course, is the surprisingly rich game world, the hulking Steampunk ships, and the novel timey-wimey-style shooting. Also: dogs and cats riding planes.

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