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PAX Prime 2013: Interview With Phobic Studios And ‘Glare’ Impressions

Janessa Olson, one of our IGM PAX Prime 2013 team members, writes on her hands-on impressions of Phobic Studios’ title Glare.


The fast-paced platformer is Phobic studios’ first game release outside the mobile market, and they do not disappoint. The gameplay is very similar to that of Rayman Origins; the player quickly advances through levels, jumping and ducking over obstacles to reach the goal. Your main weapon is a sort of flashlight that you use to push back enemies of the darkness, or to create new pathways. Like Rayman Origins, the controls of Glare are user-friendly, and the learning curve is inclusive to a variety of gamers, regardless of age or skill level.

While there is no release date yet for Glare, pre-orders are currently available through Phobic’s websiteand the game has been confirmed for PC, Mac and Linux. Here’s a video interview we put together with the developer, which also provides a look at how the game plays:

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