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The PC Gamer Show - Episode 1

This week we talk about the news emanating from Gamescom , including Paladins and Halo Wars 2.


Yesterday we kicked off our new talk show on Twitch, The PC Gamer Show. If you didn't catch it, don't sweat: we're also publishing The PC Gamer Show as a podcast!

, including Paladins and Halo Wars 2. We also dig into what we've been playing lately: Dirty Bomb, Terraria, and Rocket League, the breakout indie hit. What makes Rocket League so special, and does it have a future as an esport? Dota 2 anthropologist Chris Thurstengives us an update straight from The International, Dota 2's $18 million grand tournament and we ponder the future of crowdfunded competition.


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