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Explore a Sci-fi Bio-dome in Environmental Station Alpha

After 3 years in development, the action adventure platformer Environmental Station Alpha released on Steam for Windows and Mac systems.

released on Steam for Windows and Mac systems. Created by indie game developer Arvi Teikari and associates in Helsinki, Finland, the pixel art title is available for download for $7.99.

Players control a durable explorer class robot and are tasked with gathering intelligence on the mysterious events that took place on an abandoned space station. The facility once preserved a variety of alien forms and natural habitats, like a futuristic bio-dome; for unknown reasons, the structure’s controls went haywire, and it ultimately abandoned. However, signals have since begun transmitting from the surface, indicating that life forms may be present.

The mystery along with the emphasis on exploration drive the action of the game. Environmental Station Alpha was released on April 22 and features a large interconnected environment to explore, over 10 power ups to utilize, and over 15 bosses to defeat. With so much focus put on discovery and exploration, players can expect plenty of secrets and hidden areas that can be unlocked throughout the title.

Teikari’s friend and fellow creator Roope Makinen contributed the soundtrack, with sound effects designed by Joonas Turner and Niilo Takalainen. Turner is probably most recognized from his work on The Swapper and Nuclear Throne . Additional videos and images are available on the official website, with a downloadable demo available on the Steam page.

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