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Indie Intermission – ‘Steven Seagal: Hard To SWAT’ Star In Your Own Action Film

After yesterdays brief step away from Ludum Dare I have found another truly fantastic Ludum Dare entry that really does require all of your attention.

Today’s game comes from Famergnome AKA: Paul Greasley and yet again he manages to create something quite special in just 48 hours.

Steven Seagal: Hard To SWAT is essentially a Steven Seagal action game where you must control the great man himself along with a budding team of hopeful SWAT members.

In true Steven Seagal fashion you will end up going solo and saving the various asses of your squad time and time again making for one truly enjoyable game.

The idea is to crash  through the building in a haze of explosions and bullets to rescue the hostages, but remember each turn only gives you 10 seconds of actions so act quick. Everything about the game feels very much in-line with the Steven Seagal mantra of being completely over the top and full of explosions.

The gameplay itself is very tight for the most part plays very well, I do feel the squad do just get in the way and realistically you can’t do a lot with them all in just 10 seconds but this is something that I’m sure can be easily fixed.

Average play time – 15 minutes

If you ever want to play as the great man himself – and lets face it who doesn’t? – this is an ideal way to do it. The gameplay feels like a nice cross of Hotline Miami and Frozen Synapse , of course these are both great games so how could this be a bad thing?

If you want to star in your very own Seagal action film head over to the Ludum Dare siteand download this game and start kicking ass right away.

If you are a developer with A fun indie game that can be played over a coffee break, we want to hear from you! Private message us on twitter @IndieGameMag or shoot us an email at editors@indiegamemag.com with the subject “Indie Intermission” and you could be our indie intermission pick of the day!

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