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Ace on Steroids’ Blasts Into Window Phone 7, Xbox 360, And PC.

‘Ace on Steroids’ Blasts Into Window Phone 7, Xbox 360, And PC.

Indiefreaks studio announces the release of Ace on Steroids on Windows, Xbox 360 & Windows Phone 7. AoS is a simple spaceship shooter, no doubly resembling Asteroids . AoS features intense high-def graphics, 3D artwork, and stunning explosions. All purchasers will have complete access to the game source code and assets. Indiefreaks ‘ main goal is to share their knowledge with new game developers, hoping to support game development creativity and quality.

Asteroids was the hottest game, back when arcade market boomed. It’s gotten lots of dust piled upon old cartridges, but now, with a new revival, Ace on Steroids can also help new developers learn how to build a quality game. While there are tons of Asteroid remakes, this is the old one that provides a full tutorial and explanation of the game for only $1.29. What else can you get for that?

“By sharing best practices and real examples to a wide audience, we improve the chances to see new game developers joining the party and make great games for us to play” says Philippe Da Silva, Indiefreaks studio owner, “we believe Ace on Steroids players will have a lot of fun making their games and, who knows? Maybe we’ll team up and create some other great games together.”

Ace on Steroids is available right now on the following platforms:

Windows (US$1.29, €0.99 & £0.79)

IndieCity: http://store.indiecity.com/game/Ace Indievania: http://indievania.com/games/ace-steroids Desura: http://www.desura.com/games/ace-on-steroids

Xbox 360 through the Xbox Live Indie Games Marketplace for 80 Microsoft Points and Windows Phone 7 through the Windows Phone Marketplace (US$1.29, €0.99 & O.79£).

Who is Indiefreaks ?

Indiefreaks is a one man indie development studio which aims to beat the record and demonstrate fun games can be
achieved without the AAA promise. In order to do so, it aims sharing as much knowledge as possible regarding game development so then other talented people can join in the party. Thus the creation of the “Indiefreaks Game Framework” open source initiative.

You can learn more about Indiefreaks here: http://indiefreaks.com.
You can learn more about the Indiefreaks Game Framework initiative here: http://igf.codeplex.com

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