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Elder Towers – Deck Your Enemies

Elder Towers is a new game that has just released for Android (and should be coming soon to iOS).

is a new game that has just released for Android (and should be coming soon to iOS). In it, you control a mage, and your job is to use summoned minions and spells to destroy your enemies as you make your way across the world. The hook, and what makes it different from other such games, is that you summon your various creatures and spells through a deck of cards, and do so in real time (think Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories ).

Unfortunately, not much has been explained about the story. We know that it functions as an RPG, with leveling systems and the like, but this doesn’t tell us about the game itself. We also know that it draws from the TCG genre (obviously), and the RTS genre, because of the focus on using minions to fight for you; but unlike an RTS, the minions all choose their targets automatically, without your supervision. Spells are lauded as being particularly strong, with each one apparently able to turn the tide of battle. If true, using spells effectively – and dodging the spells of enemy wizards – will be instrumental in ensuring victory in each battle.

Speaking of enemy wizards, the game also features competitive multiplayer, meaning you can fling minions and sling spells at your friends/enemies/random strangers.

Interestingly, the game is fully 3D, which, while not unheard of for a mobile title, is still not the standard. For anyone interested in trying it, you can get it now on the Google Play store for free –  there are in-app purchases, but it’s still free to try – and, assuming it passes the iOS inspection, you should be able to get it on the App Store store fairly soon as well. If you’d like to find out more about the developers of Elder Towers , Akashan Games, you can do so here, and you can learn more about the game itself by visiting its website.

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