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Shallow Space Insurgency Launches Indiegogo Campaign Alongside Early Access

Indie development studio Special Circumstance Games announced that their debut title Shallow Space: Insurgency will be available as an Early Access release on Steam sometime in Autumn of 2015.

will be available as an Early Access release on Steam sometime in Autumn of 2015. Inspired by space simulation games like Homeworld and Nexus: The Jupiter Incident , Shallow Space: Insurgency was successfully Greenlit just six days after being posted to Steam for community review.

Special Circumstance Games describes the title as a “story driven real-time strategy space combat adventure,” where players combat rival factions using fleets of starships to create specialized armadas. Story elements come into play as progress is made through campaign mode, with players unraveling the histories and motivations of the various competing groups. Shallow Space: Insurgency will also feature several customization options giving players the ability to organize massive groups of ships with specified orders or tasks. Individual ships will also have a variety of options for different ship modules, turret placements, and additional weaponry.

Players can break up their large armadas into “Wings” or “Flotillas” with the aid of a specialized AI system that can assist in coordinating attacks or strategies in order to cripple enemy fleets. Special Circumstance Games seems confident that the amount of customization available will allow for a multitude of different strategies that fit individual player taste.

The studio also announced their intentions to begin a crowdfunding campaign for their title on Indiegogo, which began on April 4. Gameplay videos, screenshots, and additional details relating to the title can be found on a variety of sources, including Facebook, Twitter, IndieDB, and the official Shallow Space: Insurgency website .

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