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Prickly Shooter Assault Android Cactus Gets Multiplatform Release Date

We’ve previously covered Assault Android Cactus , from the developers at Witch Beam, but just in case readers have forgotten, let’s recap: The game puts players in control of one of eight different androids, each with their own special method of shooting their way through a collection of bullet-hell stages.

from the developers at Witch Beam, but just in case readers have forgotten, let’s recap: The game puts players in control of one of eight different androids, each with their own special method of shooting their way through a collection of bullet-hell stages. The game gets its name from the main character, an Assault-class android called Cactus.

Assault Android Cactus Character select

Cactus and the other androids she recruits are fighting to save a freighter ship from its own robots, and the only way to do this is, naturally, firing a lot of bullets. Luckily for Cactus (and players), ammo is unlimited, meaning the bullets never have to stop flying. Each android has a different weapon and a playstyle that fits that weapon.

The big news now, though, is that Assault Android Cactus is coming to PS4, PlayStation Vita, and Wii U, as well as Mac, Linux, and Windows PCs some time this Summer; so fans won’t have to wait much longer to blow robots away with humanoid robots.

Witch Beam is a new three-man studio in Australia made up of industry veterans looking to make polished, interesting experiences. Those interested in learning more about the studio can visit their website, and can learn more about the game itself from its own website.The game is currently available through Steam’s Early Access program, and can be purchased for $14.99 USD.

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