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Try to Keep All Appendages in FingAAH!

Drunkenly showing off can wind up poorly for everyone involved, especially when it comes to games involving knives.

Drunkenly showing off can wind up poorly for everyone involved, especially when it comes to games involving knives. Alcohol and sharp, pointy things don’t mix well so Siis Games decided to do something about it. Fingaah! Is a reflex game that is based on the knife game where people stab at a table in between their fingers; however, Fingaah! involves a lot less actual blood and stitches and a lot more statistics.

1On the Fingaah! website, players can check out real-time statistics on what finger has been chopped off the most often, who is winning, and what country enjoys lobbing off their fingers in-game the most. By taking out all the real life hazards of the knife game, Siis Games introduces a new element of building combos and a “You Suck” stamp if players don’t do well enough.

There are a number of additional achievements and ranking lists for the most skilled. Players can track their personal failures and successes in the “Wow” menu in the game.

Fingaah! is available for free on the iTunesand Google Play. For those interested in keeping up with the real time, finger-losing statistics, check out the Siis Games’s website, and get more information about the team by liking their page on Facebook, and following them on Twitterand Instagram.

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