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Blinding Dark – Atmospheric Horror Meets FPS

Blinding Dark is the latest offering by Bulkypix, a prolific publisher of quite a number of games we’ve covered here on IGM .

. The influences for this game are cited as Amnesia and Clive Barker’s Undying , and the video seems to elicit a Doom 3 -meets -Master Reboot vibe. Atmospheric horror and exploration create tension, while the gathering of weapons and fighting various monsters found throughout the 6 levels/areas provides FPS action.

That hallway certainly looks inviting.

Throughout Blinding Dark , puzzles must be solved in order to progress, as well. Weapons, for example, will only work on certain enemies. That gun you picked up might be useless against the Wolverine-esque monster shown in the trailer, but it could be that the axe you have on hand will do the trick. You don’t know until  you try, even if trying leads to your untimely demise. Careful planning and observation are your friends, as the character you’re playing has no memory and won’t recognize anything in the vast, sprawling mansion in which they awaken.

Sorry about that, sir. It had to be done.

Blinding Dark was just released on August 12, and you can pick up a copy on Steamfor $9.99.

Follow Bulkypix on Twitter, like their Facebook page, or visit their websitefor more information on this and other games.

What do you think? Are you more interested in atmospheric horror if you can fight back? Or do you think FPS and atmospheric horror should remain separate? Give us your thoughts below!

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