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Latest Indie Royale bundle celebrates Valentine's day with explosions

Valentine's Day isn't usually synonymous with charging monsters and punch-packing rocket launchers, but that's the direction Indie Royale have taken with their Valentine's Bundle 2.0 . Serious Sam 3: BFE headlines the six-game selection.

. Serious Sam 3: BFE headlines the six-game selection. I guess those screaming headless bomb-arm guys really were just trying to give you a hug.

Also included in the bundle is the tower-defence game Shad'O, 2D platformer Oozi: Earth Adventure, 2D platformer Lunnye Devitsy, 2D platformer Wake, and 2D puzzle -platformer Doc Clock and the Toasted Sandwich of Time. If nothing else, it's a love letter to fans of 2D platformers.

As always, the bundle price will fluctuate over the next week - rising as more people buy, but lowering in response to generous donations. The current minimum is £3.72, which isn't bad for the tender company of viscera-chasing demons.

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