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Indie Intermission – ‘Factory Wars’ What Mass Production Was Made For

As the week draws to a close I bring you one final game from the Ludum Dare line up in the form of Factory Wars from Evil Cult .

Factory Wars is a fantastic little strategy game that relies on territory control much like in “ Z ” along with continual spawning of units which reminds me of the popular Nexus Wars mod for Starcraft 2 .

The game is highly strategic and requires you to think carefully about how many factories and what types you buy. The more land you control the more money you get every 10 seconds which you must try to reinvest in the appropriate units.

The games can take a rather long time as you play this seemingly never-ending tug of war in which there can only be one victor.

The art style is nice and reminds me a lot of “Z” with its low resolution yet cartoony graphics style Factory Wars provides a very nice looking strategy game that is equally nicely animated.

Average play time – 15 minutes

Factory Wars provides a fun yet challenging strategic tug of war battle in which you must clash with the computer and hopefully end up taking out its base.

Be sure to head over to the Ludum Dare site and download the game. If you enjoy Factory Wars vote for it over on the Ludum Dare site also.

If you are a developer with A fun indie game that can be played over a coffee break, we want to hear from you! Private message us on twitter @IndieGameMag or shoot us an email at editors@indiegamemag.com with the subject “Indie Intermission” and you could be our indie intermission pick of the day!

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