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Brand new Bundle In A Box bigs up Eclectic Delights

There are a lot of bundles around at the moment, so many that it can be hard to keep track, but even among the cacophony, Bundle In A Box is one that stands out.

is one that stands out. A reminder: it's the bundle that directly supports indie developers in the form of the Indie Dev Grant, in addition to donating money to charity. The latest pay-what-you-want bundle launched yesterday, offering (at a basic level) Shadows of the Vatican Act 1, Delve Deeper, War of the Human Tanks, Eversion, and first-person psychological horror Fibrillation, which is worth playing even despite the rubbish voiceover.

As ever, beating the odds (the odds currently being $2.47) will get you more games, in this instance The Adventures of Shuggy, Stay Dead, The 4th Wall and Flibble, a top-down adventure game inspired by the Atari 2600 classic Adventure. As the bundle title suggests, it's definitely an eclectic bunch, offering strategy, horror, pointing and/or clicking and more - all games, naturally, are DRM-free.

Bundle creator/organiser Kyttaro Games are also offering exclusive content for their upcoming "sci-fi action puzzle game" Droidscape (more details here). Their latest Bundle In A Box has 13 days left on the clock, and has currently raised (at the time of writing) around $240 for charity, and nearly $200 for the Indie Dev Grant - an extra $10 is added for every 100 bundles sold. If you feel like helping out/getting loads of games for peanuts, head here.

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