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Destiny: The Taken King's New Approach To Storytelling

You know all of those things that annoyed you about Destiny?

You know all of those things that annoyed you about Destiny? Bungie's aware of them. In addition to revamping the game's leveling system for The Taken Kingand a host of other changes, the developers are "pivoting" from how they've conveyed Destiny's story in the past. With a reinvigorated focus on quest givers and cutscenes sprinkled throughout the experience, The Taken King is hoping to tell a focused and direct story for fans of Bungie's universe. We spoke to The Taken King's creative director Luke Smith and executive producer Mark Noseworthy about lessons from Destiny's past, the importance of Cayde-6, and the changes to Ghost. Remember that you can always learn more about the changes in The Taken King by reading our full cover story.

Watch the video interview with Smith and Noseworthy below to learn more about the "100 little things" that Bungie is doing to change Destiny's storytelling strategy.

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