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Night In The Woods Kickstarter Blows Past Funding Goal

It only took Alec Holowka and Scott Benson’s 2D adventure game, Night In The Woods , 26 hours before meeting its $50,000 goal on Kickstarter.

, 26 hours before meeting its $50,000 goal on Kickstarter. The near-instant Kickstarter success prompted the creators to add stretch goals, and then destroy the stretch goals after over 200% funding.

“Our brains are really great at adapting. If you had told me last week that we’d achieve 200% funding on this, I’d have been overjoyed. And if we’d have been at this point on our 30th day, I’d be overjoyed. We’re overjoyed even now!” wrote Benson and Holowka on their Kickstarter page.

Night In The Woods has already met all of its stretch goals of $100,000, allowing the team to hire Charles Huettner as an additional animator, add additional environments and quests. The team still hopes to bring Night In The Woods to consoles and Linux operating systems.

In Night In The Woods , you play as a cat named Mae.  Mae is a college dropout who is returning home to her mining town to rekindle old friendships and break things.

If you’re not sold by now, check out the introduction video:

Night In The Woods seems to be heavily explorative with a wide variety of interesting set-pieces. The Kickstarter page boasts the game’s colorful cast and beautiful environments.

Here’s part of the game’s description on Kickstarter:

Night In The Woods comes from a deep place for us. That point where you sense things are changing and it’s time to move on but you just don’t know how. Knowing that everything will end someday, and wondering how well we’ll be able to meet it when it happens. How long we’ll be able to hold on, and when we should let go. When to accept and when to fight.”

Night In The Woods has over 4,000 backers adding up to over $110,000 in funding. There are still 22 days left of funding, how high do you think it will go? Check out the Kickstarter page.

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