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This ‘Machinarium’ Plushie Is Ready For You To Buy It

The puzzle point-and click adventure game, Machinarium , released all the way back in 2009 with the iOS release landing back in 2011.

While Machinarium isn’t new, this plushie sure is! Developer Amanita Design has just announced the 10 inch tall stuffed version of Josef is now available for pre-order!

, released all the way back in 2009 with the iOS release landing back in 2011. Gamers have slowly gained access to the hit game even after that with releases on Android and the PlayStation Network in 2012. It was recently discounted in the Humble Indie Bundle for Android 4even!

The hand-made toy is created in Germany and costs $30 after shipping. Sound like too much? You’ll be glad to hear that you can even store useful items into Josef’s body, just like in Machinarium ! Delivery won’t be for another five weeks at least so if you can’t wait, check out the gallery below!

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