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Battlefield 4 gets updated Battlefield 2 map Dragon Valley for free

11 months ago on Battlelog , EA asked Battlefield 4 players: "If a reimagining of a Battlefield classic map was to happen, which map would that be?" Now, just over two years since the Battlefield 4 launched, a new piece of free DLC provides the answer.

As part of the upcoming Legacy Operations DLC, which will be available for free later this year at the same time as the Holiday Update, players will get a map called Dragon Valley 2015, based on—you guessed it—Dragon Valley from Battlefield 2.

The main technical changes include a better draw distance, increased terrain verticality, and the addition of a dynamic cloud layer that enables aerial fights above the clouds. Because the map is being brought to Battlefield 4 players can use it for Rush, a mode that wasn't available in the original.

Previous-gen console owners won't get the map because the developers wanted "to focus on the more powerful platforms". But hey, that doesn't matter to us.

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