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Catch-22’ – The Enemy Is Yourself

‘Catch-22’ – The Enemy Is Yourself
Developer Mango Down has just recently released Catch-22 on the App Store and Facebook , and it’s looking like one of the titles you’ll definitely want to grab this weekend.

, and it’s looking like one of the titles you’ll definitely want to grab this weekend. The relaxing, yet sometimes frustrating, one-button game, has taken a unique approach as you’ll be battling yourself.

You control one of two orbs that orbit a Zen-like planet. The catch? These two orbs must never touch each other. You will be jumping around and picking up items to score points all while avoiding the other orb, you.

Once you collect all the pick-ups in in Catch-22, you will then switch to control the other orb while the one you were playing as will now become your ghost and mimic all the moves of your previous run. The goal is to then remember what you did in the last run, and avoid yourself at all costs. You will have to maneuver around the world all while trying to score points. Once you complete the level you will then switch once again and have to battle your newest ghost.

The concept is awesome and I can’t wait to play it this weekend. You can currently buy Catch-22 on your iOS device for the low price of only. If you’re on Facebook, you can play it for Free (forever), but lets support these indie devs and give them our dollar!

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