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Squirbs: 2D Puzzle Platforming with a Simultaneous Twist

Squirbs is a 2D puzzle platformer with an added bit of flair: Players can control two characters simultaneously with just one set of controls.

is a 2D puzzle platformer with an added bit of flair: Players can control two characters simultaneously with just one set of controls. Developed by Team Indev, the game stars aqua-colored creatures called ‘squirbs’ who must trek through progressively challenging worlds to reach a final destination.

The story of Squirbs begins when a single squirb shatters the World Stone, which splits him into two different dimensions. Players are tasked with helping the squirbs travel the world in search for fragments of the World Stone, in the hope that it will be repaired and restored to its former glory. Both squirbs are operated using the arrow keys and spacebar, which let them move and jump respectively. The game promises over 100 levels that span dense forests, dark caves, and haunted castles, with levels ranging from easy to insanely difficult. Each level features an alternative gameplay mechanic, such as drowning, contending with gravity, falling into lava, or being impaled by falling ice shards in the snow. In addition to a level editor, gameplay in Squirbs is timed and coupled with a leaderboard that encourages players to constantly improve their past times.

Currently looking for Greenlight approval on Steam, Squirbs is planned for release on PC. In the meantime, interested players can sample the demo, and keep up to date with Team Indev through Twitterand their development blog. What do you think about Squirbs ? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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