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IGM June Issue Now on Sale – Cold Nights, Warm Blood

Been waiting for the latest issue of The Indie Game Magazine?

Been waiting for the latest issue of The Indie Game Magazine? Well good news, everyone! The wait is over. Issue 38, our June 2014 installment, is now available on our websitevia Joomag. In case you missed the previous issues since our relaunch, you can find the Apriland Mayissues on the site as well.

Our Cover Story this month features the IGM-exclusive announcement of Metrocide , a cyberpunk-themed, top-down, stealth action title from brotherly duo at Flat Earth Games. Equally exciting is a second IGM-exclusive is featured on the back cover as a tease for next month, but you’ll have to pick up the June issue and read it all the way through to see that for yourself. As a little appetizer, take a look at this snippit taken from our cover story, written by yours truly. From all of us here at IGM, we hope you enjoy, and if so, encourage you to buy a copy for yourself!

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It’s always amazing to see how games come into existence. Ideas can spark from the most unexpected sources, often fueled by the likes of Game Jam events and their associated theme prompts. In the case of Flat Earth Games, the entire studio itself came together rather unexpectedly, and quite by accident. Nevertheless, they are on the verge of releasing their second title, a top-down, cyberpunk-themed, GTA-esque stealth-action experience known as Metrocide. Charging full-steam ahead, the brotherly duo of Leigh and Rohan Harris are working towards creating a game that could not be more different from their first title, the kid-friendly city-builder of TownCraft.

“Rohan and I started Flat Earth in early 2012 after Rohan accidentally pitched TownCraft to a local developer,” Leigh explained, recalling how the studio came to be. “He was using a friend of his who ran a dev studio here as a sounding board, and the guy took it as an actual pitch and suggested we work together to make the game happen. So Rohan called me up and we took a meeting with them the next day.”

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