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Witcher 2 GoG EU Giveaway

Remember that time we gave away a Witcher 2: Assassin's of Kings collectors edition?

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we gave away a Witcher 2: Assassin's of Kings collectors edition? That was good wasn't it? Well now we're giving away three, courtesy of the guys at Good Old Games. We spoil you guys.

The set contains a making of DVD, and artbook a world map, some dice, some playing cards, a rule book, a 'cursed coin', some papercraft figures, an in game jacket and a bust of Geralt, which is slightly less pale than the real thing.

Details of how to enter are inside.

How would you assassinate a King?

Answers in the comments below; the three that most amuse my fickle tastes will win. You must live in europe to participate. Competition ends next friday. Check the next winners round upto see if you've won.

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