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Fight off Retail Hordes in Zombie T-shirt Store

Working retail can seriously bite; customers come in all different states of distress, ire, and equipped with horrible manners.

Working retail can seriously bite; customers come in all different states of distress, ire, and equipped with horrible manners. There’s rarely just one person, either- it’s often a whole horde of them. They usually unleash that pent up anger at whatever poor person happens to be behind the counter.


Enter Raketspel’s Zombie T-shirt Store : players work the night shift handling returns and exchanges at a t-shirt store. However, it seems that the owner of the shop may have sold some zombie-virus infected clothing to his customers. Those who were once living, breathing, trendy customers are back, and they’re not so happy or alive. It’s the player’s job to take back the shirts and return them tothe rack so they can be sold again. One may be wondering, why on Earth should those clothes be sold again? Well, owning a business is hard, and one does have to make a profit. Each shift will become more and more difficult as the player progresses. However, the money earned can be used at the gun shop, helping to ensure that undead customers don’t get too rowdy and jump the counter.


Zombie T-shirt Store is expected to release sometime around Halloween 2015 on the App Store for iOS and Google Play for Android. The game will be free to play with in-app purchases. To learn more about the game and developer Raketspel visit their website, like them on Facebookand follow them on Twitter.

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