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The Music of Halo 4

How would you find somebody to follow Martin O' Donnell's legendary run as the composer for Halo?

How would you find somebody to follow Martin O' Donnell's legendary run as the composer for Halo? In addition to designing the new soundscape of Halo (more on that later in the month), Sotaro Tojima had the unenviable task of selecting a composer for Halo 4. After composing for games like Castlevania: Circle of the Moon and working on the audio team for Metal Gear Solid ( to learn more about his history, watch our bonus video on YouTube), Sotaro Tojima has a keen ear for talent and was drawn to a British musician and producer named Neil Davidge. Watch the video below to learn the story of how Sotaro Tojima slowly discovered that Neil was the right man for the job.

For 343's short video documentary on the music of the game, check out Composing Worlds. To hear some of the final orchestrated music from Halo 4, check out our coverage trailer, which also offers some hints about what's on the way in later updates this month. To learn more about Halo 4 throughout this month, click on the link to our content hub below.

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