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Indie Intermission – ‘This Is How Bees Work’ Not Exactly, But A Highly Atmospheric Game Nonetheless

Today is a rather different gaming experience to what I generally do here, but that said it is still a great game and gives the player a fantastic and rather unique experience.

This Is How Bees Work may not be biologically accurate in its portrayal of bees, it does however create a rather great gaming experience that you are not going to want to miss.

This Is How Bees Work has been created by Super Flat Games and is much more of an interactive experience then an actual game. You play the role of a cloud in a empty and barren landscape, it is your job to water the fertile ground to sprout new flowers for the bees to pollinate.

As you create more and more flowers the bees in return allow more flora to develop and slowly you begin to create your very own Garden Of Eden. This Is How Bees Work has been lovingly created using a vibrant and highly vivid colour scheme that really makes for fantastic visual that go hand in hand with the lovingly created pixel art style chosen.

You can really just get lost in this game and while away time just admiring your creation as you create. Its a rather simple idea and one I have not quite seen executed in this particular way before, but it is rather Zen.

Average play time – 5 minutes

Somedays you just need to break away from the monotony of life and become absorbed into something altogether more vibrant and engaging. This Is How Bees Work is a fantastic way to escape from the dull winter world and be transported into something altogether wonderful.

This Is How Bees Work can be downloaded from the TIGForums, and be sure to check out Super Flat Games official websitefor other interesting and inspiring games.

If you are a developer with A fun indie game that can be played over a coffee break, we want to hear from you! Private message us on twitter @IndieGameMag or shoot us an email at editors@indiegamemag.com with the subject “Indie Intermission” and you could be our indie intermission pick of the day!

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