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IGM Issue 43 (Nov. 2014) Sneak Peek – An Animal House Divided

A new month means a new issue of Indie Game Magazine for our amazing subscribers to enjoy!

for our amazing subscribers to enjoy! As we inch closer to the Holiday season, and head towards the December issue of the Magazine, we’ll be taking a look at other aspects of the indie game community that we my not have covered before. As such, we’ve also included a couple non-game reviews this time around, including an indie game-centric documentary and a book review that up-and-coming Unity 2D programmers will want to check out.

November’s action-packed issue of IGM features Armello , a board game come to life in eye-popping 3D glory. Featuring a beautiful, vibrant Kingdom, and an enthralling cast of characters, Armello is simply a must-see! The game has been in development at League of Geeks for quite some time now, and with Early Access looming just past the horizon, now is the perfect time to introduce the game to anyone who may not have heard about it yet. For this who’ve been following the game’s rather open development, we think you’ll appreciate the comprehensive report on how the game is shaping up, and where it’s headed on the road to launch. Without further ado, please enjoy this month’s sneak peek and cover story preview:

[joomag width=680 height=390 title=the-indie-game-magazine-november-2014-issue-4 magazineId=0270672001414113969 backgroundImage=https%3A%2F%2Fd25ow0ysq5ykrj.cloudfront.net%2Fflash%2Fgui%2Fthemes%2Fdefault%2Fbg.jpg ]

The world of Armello, while beautifully lush, hides a hidden pain and tension. Aptly describing the world they’ve created, LoG explains that “clans feud and scheme, heroes truly are heroes, ancient magical druids walk the earth, and witches and beasts of bane hide in the shadows. There is adventure, fame and fortune to be found in Armello, but take the wrong step and it will most likely be your last.” Considered a beautiful and untamed wild, Armello’s landscapes are filled with natural wonders hiding ancient secrets. From the snowy Northern Needles, where the Wolf Clan rests, to the Great Southern Plains where the Rabbit Clan burrow into their underground cities, the Kingdom is bustling with a liveliness that can only be truly realized as a fully-animated 3D adventure. Throughout the breathtaking journey, player choices will ultimately affect the outcome of the game, determining both how the other Clans view your own, and how the crown is ultimately passed down. Whether the ‘Hero’ chooses to save the Kingdom, or gives in to the Rot and lets chaos reign, is entirely up to the player.

Designed to be easily accessible, with layers of strategic depth for those who want to invest more heavily into the experience, Armello has a number of features that will appeal to both the casually interested, and core audiences alike. The Day/Night cycle not only looks pretty, but plays a major role in tactical decisions. Different cards and abilities will work better at different times of day, and adventuring at night will run the risk of more dangerous enemy encounters, in exchange for better rewards. During the enemy’s turn, otherwise known as the player’s “off-turn,” Heroes can still be equipped with new gear, followers can be recruited, talents from the Hero-specific skill tree can be purchased, and specific cards can be played to better prepare the player for their upcoming turn phase. Each Clan has specific quest lines and story arcs, so players are encouraged to try out each of the heroes to experience the full story of Armello. While the game will initially ship with four Heroes – one from each Clan – thanks to a successful Kickstarter that managed to reach all of its stretch goals, backers will receive an additional four heroes as free DLC post-launch.

As always, below you can find this month’s Back Cover, as well as the full breakdown of featured content:

Also Featured this Month : Solarix . We chat with the development team about their unsuccessful crowdfunding attempt of the ambitious survival horror experience. As we discover what separates the game from everything else out there, we also learn about what separates the team at Pusletense Games as a studio.  Of course, the latest edition of Screenshot Monthly features another 8 exclusive looks at titles in development.

Reviewed this Month : Pixel Poetry, Learning Unity 2D Game Development by Example, Fenix Rage , Outland (PC), Starpoint Gemini 2 , and Tesla Breaks the World!

Extended Previews this Month : Life is Feudal: Your Own, Supreme Ruler Ultimate, Colonies Online, Albedo: Eyes from Outer Space

Previewed this Month : Cosmochoria, Dungeon of the Endless,  The Land of Eyas, From the Depths

Indie Ads this month : Buildanauts, Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons, Humanitarian Helicopter, Particle Playground 2,

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