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Snow Bros’ Mobile Phone Debut And Sale

‘Snow Bros’ Mobile Phone Debut And Sale
ISAC Entertainment has released their classic game, Snow Bros , on mobile phones.

, on mobile phones. In just four days after it’s April 5th debut on the Apple AppStore and Android Marketplace, the classic arcade game reached third place in the top paid apps of Korea, and became number one action game in Europe and Latin America.

Snow Bros was released as an arcade game in 1990, and became an almost instant success. The player would navigate dangerous levels filled with enemies and use their icy attacks to turn the enemies into snowballs. Then, by running into them, the player could kick their foe across the different platforms, knocking the other enemies into oblivion. The strategy involved requires the player to decide when and where one should begin making snowballs. Staying in one place for too long is dangerous, but the higher up you climb, the greater the reward. The longer a distance you can knock a snow-balled enemy, the more other enemies you can take out at once.

In the first four days Snow Bros was released it garnered over 20,000 downloads. If you head on over to the AppStore or Android Market you can purchase the app for $0.99. You may want to take advantage of this, because the regular price is a whopping $4.99.

You can find it hereon the AppStore and hereon the Android Marketplace.

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