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Fight the Darkness With Light in Bulb Boy

Bulb Boy is a point-and-click adventure horror game from Polish developer Bulbware.

is a point-and-click adventure horror game from Polish developer Bulbware. Players take control of poor little Bulb Boy on a dark and gloomy night. The little protagonist awakens suddenly from a nightmare to discover that evil itself has overshadowed the Bulbhouse.


Bulb Boy’s family has vanished, leaving terrifying monsters that lurk in the shadows. Players must help Bulb Boy gather his courage and use his illuminated glass head to save everything he loves while uncovering the secrets of the house.  Players will solve puzzles, defeat wicked monsters, and reveal abilities to help unfold this twisted tale. Bulb Boy has  a variety of talents to pull from, including the ability to survive electrical shocks, unscrew Bulb Boy’s head and use it to illuminate odd crevices, and more. Players don’t just control Bulb Boy; through the use of flashbacks, players will  be able to control other members of Bulb Boy’s family. There is no actual dialogue in the game – the story unfolds in animated speech clouds.


Bulb Boy is slated for a Halloween release (October 31st) on Steam for Windows PC and Mac. There are no pricing details as of yet. To learn more about the game and developer Bulbware visit the official website, like on Facebook, or follow on Twitter. Players interested can play a demo of the game via the Steam page.

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