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Mutant Mudds 2’ Officially Announced

‘Mutant Mudds 2’ Officially Announced
Well, it’s official, developer Renegade Kid is working on Mutant Mudds 2 .

. Speaking on Twitter, Renegade Kid co-founder Jools Watsham confirmed to a fellow fan that Mutant Mudds 2 in fact is in development. After some back and forth among other fans who were shocked to read Watsham’s post, he stated that development hasn’t been a secret, but this is the first we’re hearing about it!

Mutant Mudds originally released on the 3Ds eShop in January of last year, with a follow up of a launch on PC in August and an iOS release in November. Mutant Mudds for iOS made it into our “ Best of 2012” platformer category, so naturally we’re excited with this announcement.

What platforms Mutant Mudds 2 will be releasing on is still a secret, but for those who haven’t played the original, you’ll be delighted to hear that Mutant Mudds Deluxe will be making it over to the Wii U this month on the eShop.

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