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Don’t Panic – It’s Only the PiranhaPocalypse

Pigeon Hole Productions is expanding their comic universe with a new playable web comic, and would like the world to come swimming in piranha-infested waters with them (in this case, we’re using ‘piranha’ in the singular).

, set in the same universe as Trisha Williams’s fan favoriteweb comic, features beloved character Kratos the Piranha in a new adventure. With a Kickstarterin place, and quite a number of backer rewards for fans old and new, PiranhaPocalypse is off and swimming.

Kratos has a simple life of eating pellets and hanging with his new friend, Tweezer. Each level of the game begins with the player trying to get Kratos to eat as many pellets as possible, unlocking new story content and possible Pocalypse scenarios. As Kratos consumes special magic pellets, players get closer and closer to setting of their own PiranhaPocalypse , which can pan out one of three ways. However, backers have a direct impact over which scenarios are available for the finished game/web comic. With a pledge of just $1, backers can vote on which three Pocalpyses will be part of the story’s development, as well as early access to the game as soon as it’s finished. While PiranhaPocalypse will eventually be available for everyone via the web, having this extra input into the life and times of Kratos is a treat.

The Kickstarter has a relatively modest goal of $25,000 for basic project completion, with stretch goals to include a second 4-part series featuring Kratos at $50,000, and an extensive soundtrack at $75,000 that will be available as a free download for backers. You can view more media, pledge tiers, and special backer rewards on the Kickstarter page, which will be active for the next 32 days.

Find out more about Pigeon Hole Productions, including PiranhaPocalypse announcements, by following them on Twitter, or liking them on Facebook.

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