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Figure O’ Speech – Fun Puns

As a writer, I, of course, love words.

As a writer, I, of course, love words. This is fairly normal. What is apparently less normal is my love for puns (something my friends repeatedly remind me of), and, well… let’s just say that if App-titude Games’ Figure O’ Speech was a person, it and I would probably be best friends.

Figure O’ Speech is a relatively simple game, but that is how it throws you off. The menus are easy to navigate, if a little clunky-looking, and you get a large amount of puzzles (60) to test you right off the bat. I’ll be perfectly up front here: I accidentally spent a half hour on this game when I went to look at it. It is right up my alley. Each puzzle presents you with a visual representation of a phrase, and each set of 60 has a theme. For example, the first one is “Proverbs and Idioms,” while the second one is “People.” Better still is that all of the sets of puzzles are unlocked simply by finishing enough puzzles from the previous sets; there are no in-app purchases (though there are ads). The hint system is tied to a timer, but it is a relatively short timer, and there’s no button to instantly replenish the hints for the low, low price of your firstborn child. Instead, the timer is just there to encourage you to try to solve the puzzles on your own, without the (admittedly cryptic) hints. That said… a lot of the puzzles are really difficult. I’ve used most of my hints already.

If frustratingly difficult puzzles sound like your cup of tea, then you can check out Figure O’ Speech in the Google Play store here, and learn a bit more about the developers from their Facebook page.

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