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The Sunday Video Pwn

You've probably read Tom's preview of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and wondered at the possibilities the latest game in the series will offer you.

of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and wondered at the possibilities the latest game in the series will offer you. Now you can behold such choice in the above video, in which protagonist Jenson tackles the same objective three times in three very different manners. Take a look at the game's combat (with those incredible blade-arms and a very cool rifle reload animation) and its exploration avenues, and start getting excited. You've only got until August to wait, so get planning on how you'll tackle this segment.

Some footage from Fallen Frontierappeared on the PC Gamer radar this week. We had to approach it with cautious optimism, since it currently has no confirmed platform, but developers Moonshot Games have expressed their wish to see it on Steam. So, we could be in for a great-looking side-scrolling co-op, with some very satisfying shotgun blasts, slick grappling-hook action and a funky split-screen effect that waves around like a see-saw.

It was the BAFTA Game awardsthis week, and a few oddities turned up. Bad Company 2 and StarCraft II - some of our favourite on-line games - missed out on the 'Best Multiplayer' game to NFS: Hot Pursuit 2, and Heavy Rain (a game for that PS3 thingy) managed to bag 'Best Story' despite being riddled with plot holes the size of the moon. Thankfully, these wrongs were made up for with the 'Best Game' award going to the thoroughly deserving Mass Effect 2.

Valve showed us more love this week with the Portal 2 TV spot, and like the TF2 'Meet the...'series, it's a beautifully animated piece that could rival Pixar. It may only run for little more than thirty seconds, but those cute little robots will steal your heart as easy as any Nemo or Boo could. These certainly are the droids you've been looking for, and the search will be over in ONE MONTH!

Behold with wonder the above trailer for Duke Nukem Forever that was shown off at PAX east this week. Or, at least the trailer I wish they'd shown off. In reality, the above two-and-a-half-minutes of complete gleeful insanity is the game's trailer from E3 2001. But, despite being almost a whole decade old, just look at it. There's giant alien ships, car chases, sandwiches, explosions, bug-eyed monsters, cheesy acting AND a pinball machine. Of course, for the demanding players of the year 2001 that just wouldn't be enough, so there's even a sweet motorbike skid in there for good measure.

If you're asking yourself whatever happen to all this, your answer is held in the PAX east Duke Nukem Forever gameplay trailer. There's still plenty of shooting to be had, but it seems a little on the generic side in comparison to it's long dead origin. There is, naturally, an elongated phallic joke, and some lesbian school girls thrown in in the name of generosity. At least the spirit of Duke isn't dead yet...

Brink is shaping up to look like a great summer venture, with it's online competitive/mission hybrid system launching in May. We saw a great snippet of the game's seemingly Team Fortress 2-influenced classes in this week's trailer, but a more in-depth look at the game and it's quirks can be seen over at GameTrailers in their Brink Video Preview. It certainly looks a lot of fun, and we hope the parkour features will play as significant a role as the shooting and the teamwork. If nothing else, it'll pass the time whilst we wait for the real online event of the year.

At PC Gamer, we love being amazed by the various Kinect hacks the PC community keeps coming up with. However, what we've found this week is more than just a novelty mod. The wizards at Konstanz University in Germany have used the Kinect to create an aid for blind people. This is PC experimentation at its most admirable, and whilst the system requires a Ghost Busters-style backpack for the laptop, it's awesome to see Microsoft's gaming gold-mine being put to good use.

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