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The best gardens from our Plants vs Zombies swag giveaway

Over the weekend we ran a competition to take a screenshot of the coolest Plants vs Zombies garden you'd made, Zen or otherwise, with a massive haul of PvZ swag for the winner.

Plants vs Zombies coolest gardens

Over the weekend we ran a competition to take a screenshot of the coolest Plants vs Zombies garden you'd made, Zen or otherwise, with a massive haul of PvZ swag for the winner. Here are the best gardens we got, starting with the overall winner.

The Plants Vs Zombies award for Coolest Garden goes to:

kdfb, for his gorgeous and painstakingly made Marigold Rainbow

kdfb says: "It took me several revisions to find a working pattern that would allow me to include them all in order. Most frustrating moment: When my garden was half grown I discovered the cyan plant. Scrapped that pattern, had to start another. After that, I couldn't get too few cyan, and made it one of the longer rows. Happiest moment. Getting the final red marigold, the last piece in the puzzle."

He wins this magnificent maelstrom of plant- and zombie-related loot:

Honorable mentions

Some excellent sucking up by 747 with his PCG garden.

We admire the callous efficiency of kiran255's Money Maker lawn.

And the gleeful self-indulgence of SuperZambezi's Monogram garden.

And lastly, we love the cruel cleverness of auntydoris's Garlic Draughts.

Thanks to all who entered. We'll be announcing the winner of the Peggle giveaway soon.

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