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Record Breaking Kickstarter: ‘Double Fine’ Optimizes The Lua-based Moai SDK For Multi-Platform Development

For those who backed up Double Fine , raising a record-breaking $3.3 million on Kickstarter to develop an adventure game, we haven’t forgotten about the game they’re just waiting to see.

, raising a record-breaking $3.3 million on Kickstarter to develop an adventure game, we haven’t forgotten about the game they’re just waiting to see. I mean, they threw money at their screen…and something happened! Double Fine has just started development and the studio leaked that it will be using the Moai Game platform, a Lua-based SDK. Moai SDK when open beta last year and it allows developers to code once, in Lua, then port the games easily and smoothly over to multiple platforms, including Android and iOS. One of the first pioneers of Lua-based gaming platforms was Corona, but Moai was chosen.

“We like to control every aspect of our games in order to bring [ Double Fine founder Tim Schafer’s] ideas to life, and because Moai is open source we can change any line of code we need to,. Plus the fans asked for Double Fine Adventure on five different PC, tablet, and mobile phone platforms, and Moai supports them all with a single core codebase. It was the best choice for us ,” said Nathan Martz, the technical director for Double Fine , said to Gamasutra.

More information on Double Fine is planned to be released Spring 2013. More information on Moai Gaming platform is available on their official website.

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