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Celestial Tear: Demon’s Revenge Fuses Fantasy with Sci-Fi into an RPG

We’ve covered Celestial Tear: Demon’s Revenge in the past, trialing its unfortunately unsuccessful Kickstarter campaign.

in the past, trialing its unfortunately unsuccessful Kickstarter campaign. However, despite the difficulties, the developers received funding on their second crowdfunding attempt. The combined efforts of DegiGames and White Guardian Studios have now come to fruition with the title’s upcoming release.

Celestial Tear: Demon’s Revenge harkens back to classic Japanese RPGs such as Final Fantasy VII and Suikoden 2 . The creators combine fantasy with sci-fi to set the stage for the tale. The main character, Jagen, begins his journey on Hasphal, a planet rife with racial tension between its native inhabitants and humans. People colonized the planet without realizing that Jehts lived there already, and ages passed before the two races met. But the first meeting wasn’t entirely friendly.

The JRPG-style game features 2D pixel graphics and comic book-like cutscenes that unfold the narrative. Hasphal’s world, filled with mountains, caves, and other natural scenery, hides many secrets and lore items. As for the combat system, it also incorporates the environments by tying them mechanically to the fights. The developers took inspiration from fighting games such as Street Fighter and created a dynamic combo system. Plus, each character that joins the party aids in puzzle solving thanks to their specific skills.

Celestial Tear: Demon’s Revenge is the first title in what is intended to be an episodic trilogy. The RPG releases on August 20 for Windows PC. Look to the game’s websitefor more information and purchase options.

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