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Indie Links Round-Up: Money To Burn

Quiet, please!


Quiet, please! Zombie strippers stole my heart then ate my brains. No, that’s not first-person flash fiction; it’s just a couple of the titles mentioned in today’s Indie Links. Well, maybe it’s sort of both.

Top 10 Xbox Live Indie Games 0f 2012(IndieGames)
” This year was perhaps the best year the Xbox Live Indie Games service has ever seen. It was packed so full of surprises, in fact, that I had to make major revisions to this list just a few days before it was set to be published.”

Zombie Strippers Stole My Heart Then Ate My Brains(Indie Gamer Chick)
“Zombie Strippers Stole My Heart Then Ate My Brains sounds like a joke.  And it is.  Just not a very funny one.  This is one of the most glitchy, broken games on XBLIG.  But it has the word “Strippers” in it, so it will get attention.  It’s transparent and shameful, but that’s how the market works.  I played it for about thirty minutes and noticed the following things.”

Live Free, Play Hard: The Week’s Finest Free Indie Games(Rock, Paper, Shotgun)
“It would appear the goalie can summon an infinite supply of skeletons. Yuri romance. ARE YOU NOT EDUTAINED. Twine mastery.”

DICE Remains Committed To Indie Games Despite Indie Game Challenge Cancellation(Polygon)
“The cancellation of this year’s Indie Game Challenge, an annual event at the DICE conference since 2009, is not a reflection of the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences’ support of indie game, the academy tells Polygon.”

The Joystiq Indie Pitch: Triple Town(Joystiq)
“Indie developers are the starving artists of the video-game world, often brilliant and innovative, but also misunderstood, underfunded and more prone to writing free-form poetry on their LiveJournals. We believe they deserve a wider audience with the Joystiq Indie Pitch: This week, Spry Fox’s David Edery discusses the real impact of social gaming with his Facebook and mobile title Triple Town , which launched on Steamthis month.”

Disassembling Little Inferno: An Interview With Tomorrow Corporation(BeefJack)
“Little Inferno may look like a awful time waster, but there’s a message buried beneath the ashes of all your smouldering possessions. What is it? We ask Tomorrow Corporation for an explanation.”

My Journey Alone(Bit Creature)
“I wish I could tell you about the beauty of the game. About the sand, about the awe, about the wonder that I felt. I wish I could say that I noticed, that I relished it. I mean, yes, I ventured forward to satiate my own curiosity, I ventured forward for the sake of having an adventure. I was the person who mattered most at the start: my experience, my happiness. I was going forward for myself. Me.”

Impressions: Big Sky Infinity(Indie Statik)
“Fortunately, Big Sky Infinity is a score-attack shooter first and foremost, and a comedy skit very much second, although some quirks in its formula act as sharp reminders that shooter design is as much an art as a science, with intangible vagaries becoming all the more important the longer you play and attempt to immerse yourself in the experience. While there are a lot of interesting elements at work here, I’m not entirely sure if they gel into a coherent whole, especially considering the score-focused gameplay.”

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